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Latest News


High Leigh's Bees

June 2024

High Leigh's Bees

June 2024

Recently we installed a beehive at High Leigh and spoke with the beekeeper responsible for them...

The Woodlands Lounge

April 2024

The Woodlands Lounge

April 2024

Find out what's new in the Woodlands Lounge at High Leigh...

Exploring High Leigh's hidden secrets

November 2023

Exploring High Leigh's hidden secrets

November 2023

If you've seen rock structures around High Leigh, this is what they are...

Why Christian Conference Trust was chosen over 200 other venues

September 2023

Why Christian Conference Trust was chosen over 200 other venues

September 2023

We talked with Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion, about their conference and why they chose High Leigh over 200 other venues.

Why we can successfully grow apricot trees at High Leigh

July 2023

Why we can successfully grow apricot trees at High Leigh

July 2023

Apricot trees are native to China and other warm climates. Learn why we're able to successfully grow them at High Leigh.

A space to train, equip and deploy

June 2023

A space to train, equip and deploy

June 2023

Hear what David Chambers, pastor for CfaN, has to say about the importance of taking your group away. 

Have you tried High Leigh's famously tasty salads?

May 2023

Have you tried High Leigh's famously tasty salads?

May 2023

We interviewed the woman behind High Leigh's delicious salads.

High Leigh's partnership with A Rocha UK

May 2023

High Leigh's partnership with A Rocha UK

May 2023

We interviewed Andy Atkins, Chief Executive of A Rocha UK, about our Partner-In-Action event with them.

“A safe space for the Christian family”: Meet High Leigh’s Rooms Division Manager

March 2023

“A safe space for the Christian family”: Meet High Leigh’s Rooms Division Manager

March 2023

We spoke to Claire, Rooms Division Manager at High Leigh to find out more about the importance of dedicated hospitality and a hard-working team. 

Get a quoteCall us

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Any venue

Any Venue

The Hayes

The Hayes

Swanwick, Alfreton
Derbyshire, DE55 1AU

High Leigh

High Leigh

Lord Street, Hoddesdon
Hertfordshire, EN11 8SG

Highgate House

Highgate House

Grooms Lane, Creaton
Northamptonshire, NN6 8NN

Residential conference

Residential conference

Day event

Day event

If you don’t know what dates you’d like or would like to discuss availability, please contact us on 0300 111 4444 or email info@cct.org.uk

How many people are attending?

The minimum number of guests is 12

Please complete the details below to receive a personalised quote.

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